Below is a selection of our most popular workshops to help you and your teams develop essential skills in a modern workplace.

Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.
— Rumi

Presentation Skills (including virtual)

This course gives the participants insights into how to structure, overcome personal anxieties and the top secrets that experts use to improve their presence and impact when delivering a presentation. 

Who should attend?

Anyone who want to improve their presentation style, develop more dynamic presentations or develop greater confidence when speaking into groups or in business meetings. 

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.
— George Bernard Shaw

Communication Skills 

This course will explore the critical elements of communication, which is more than just the words.  This interactive session will explore the common barriers to being effective, understanding your own personal style and the impact (and underlying meanings) of body language

Who should attend?

People who struggle to get their message across effectively in a variety of workplace situations. Also useful for Sales People, Project Team Members, Team Leaders and Managers who have to work organisations and departments

Procrastination is the thief of time.
— Charles Dickens

Time Management 

Everyone would like little more time in their lives.  This course won't promise to find you an extra hour in the day, however it will help you to learn the key skills to help you prioritise your workload better.  The topics covered on this session include who to set effective goals, simple life auditing, understanding your bio-rhythms and the how to say no or 'not now' to last minute requests. 

Who should attend?

This course is ideally suited for people who constantly struggle to meet their deadlines or have a habit of cramming work in to meet deadlines. This session is aimed for people in various levels across a business and can also be run as a bite-size (half day or 90 minute) session. 

Lets build bridges, not walls.
— Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.


Understanding how you come across to others is at the heart of good communication skills. Being able to choose your response to any given situation rather than adopting a knee jerk reaction gives you more control over the impact you have, and behaving assertively without spilling over into aggression is a great skill to acquire.

Who should attend?

This course is suitable for anyone who wants to explore the unique balance that assertive behaviour can provide when aiming to persuade and influence people across an organisation. 

It is wise to persuade people to do things and make them think it was their own idea.
— Nelson Mandela

Persuading & Influencing 

This course is designed to enable you to be more confident, influential and persuasive at work. You will be able to identify your preferred influencing style, act as an opinion shaper and get yourself heard especially in meetings.

Who should attend?

This course is suitable for anyone who wants to develop their range of communication skills and discover the behaviours that will create influence.

Our emotions have a mind of their own, one which can hold views quite independently of our own rational mind.
— Daniel Goleman

Emotional Intelligence 

Did you ever stop to wonder why we are all so different in how we react to situations? Something that makes you furious gets a shrug of the shoulders from someone else; or someone loses their temper and you can't see what the big deal is. This becomes even trickier in the workplace if you work within or manage teams – how do you learn what makes others tick and how can you better deal with it?

Who should attend?

Emotional Intelligence is now believed to be the greatest differentiator between being a good manager or leader and being a great one. Additionally, Emotional Intelligence is essential for all the relationships we have – whether with colleagues, friends, family or partners.


It’s not the stress that kills us, it’s our reaction to it
— Hans Selye

Resilience & Stress Management

During difficult times, it is important to develop strategies to protect your mental well being. This session will help you to explore the keys domains of stress and how to improve your approach to build personal resilience. This session gives people a clear understanding of workplace stress and simple techniques to help improve their responses to challenging situations.

Who should attend?

This course will benefit anyone who wants to remain calm and centred whilst effectively dealing with the stresses and strains of their job.

More courses can be found on our courses page or alternatively email the Apropos Team

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